As for me and my house…

Hearing God ‘speak’ is something i would not have believed or thought possible, but the unexpected happened during my prayer in an adoration chapel. In my meditative state, i was jolted by a telegram message being typed out mentally -“In God, we……abandon…..ourselves.” 

This happened more than twenty years ago, and since then, that little voice has continued to prod or admonish, to encourage or inspire me consistently.  I believe He continually speaks, but sometimes i am the one who has turned a deaf ear, intentionally or not, or my ‘antenna’ is not working, hampered by the many distractions or events in my life.

I have received many of my inspirations and teachings from Him from the most mundane to the nitty-gritty – from what to cook to what i should do, post or paint today. I am still learning to discern and be more attuned to His Voice.

Once, when i was praying in the adoration chapel, i felt this sudden urge to go to the hospital to visit a young girl whom my husband and i had been praying for. After catching pneumonia, she had lapsed into a coma during Ash Wednesday week, and had remained in that state throughout the Lenten period. I was confused, but the prompting was too strong; so i went. On reaching the intensive care unit, i was refused entry into the ward as i wasn’t her next of kin. Reluctantly, i left.

Half an hour later, upon reaching home, i received a frantic call from her sister, telling me to rush down to the hospital immediately as her sister’s life was in danger. My hair stood on end as i realised how real the prompting from God had been and what obedience to Him meant.

There are other personal testimonies where God’s Voice has always proven to be true. It usually happens when i pray, when i listen and only when i obey.    By R

It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his     commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.  Deut 13:4

4 thoughts on “As for me and my house…

  1. Renee, what a welcoming house. I love the cottage feel and the message on the roof. What was your inspiration? Did the scripture inspire the painting or did the painting inspire including the scripture? Either way, I love it! This would make a lovely book cover, painting for a home, note card cover, and probably endless more possibilities.

    I’m seeing this early morning. What a great way to start the day!


    1. Hi Linda! Thank you. Your comments always give me a lot of encouragement to persevere in my paintings. The moment i saw this picture, i knew i had to paint it but i made some alteration to make it look more alluring The scriptural inspiration came right after i finished the drafting the post. Just in time! God is good!
      Have a blessed day Linda!

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